Fri, 31 January 2025
In this week's new episode Drs. Amoako-Teming, Orr, Powers, and Yagodinski discuss childhood obesity, bedwetting, and urinary tract infections. And, as always, a fun and interesting trivia piece. The parenting tip this month is on how to approach potty training with your child.
Time Stamps:
Childhood Obesity: 2:12
Bedwetting: 5:39
Potty Training: 10:22
Urinary Tract Infections: 14:19
Trivia: 22:54 |
Fri, 24 January 2025
En el nuevo episodio de hoy, las doctoras Lexi Howell y Emily Hentz hablan sobre cómo se tratan los virus estomacales y el estreñimiento en casa. Por último, el segmento de consejos para padres. Este mes el consejo es cómo lograr que los niños coman frutas y verduras.
Tema Tiempos:
Como Tratar los Virus Estomacales: 1:50
Estreñimiento: 4:46
Aprender a ir al Baño: 10:16
Comer Frutas y Verduras: 12:25
Este episodio fue grabado el 8 de Noviembre de 2024.
Wed, 4 December 2024
For our episode this month, Drs. Grigorian, Hall, and Lane discuss electric scooters, exercise and physical activity, vaping, and lighthouse parenting.
Time Stamps Electric Scooters: 2:02 Exercise: 5:35 Lighthouse Parenting: 10:30 Vaping: 12:45 Trivia: 17:22 Conclusion: 18:46 |
Mon, 4 November 2024
![]() In this week's episode, Dr. Sims, Dr. Webb, and Dr. Wendel will discuss sleep deprivation in teenagers, the science of sleep, screen time and sleeping, how substances affect sleep, and a parenting tip on promoting high quality sleep in children.
Time Stamps Health News/Sleep Deprivation: 2:06 Science of Sleep: 2:55 Parenting Tip: 7:01 Screen Time on Sleep: 8:11 Substances Affecting Sleep: 12:11 Trivia: 16:51 Conclusion: 17:15 |
Mon, 7 October 2024
In this week's episode, Dr. Heyrman and Dr. Arnold will discuss measles, the dangers of button batteries, parenting tips on encouraging healthy eating habits, and safety tips for the Halloween holiday. Time Stamps: Health News/ Measles: 1:54 Dangers of Button Batteries: 3:41 Healthy Eating Habits: 7:46 Halloween Safety Tips: 9:08 Trivia: 14:13 This episode was recorded on September 18, 2024 |
Fri, 16 August 2024
In this week's episode Drs Bhatti, Boustany, and Michaud discuss scurvy, boating safety, video games, and essential water survival skills for kids! Time Stamps Health News - 2:11 Boating Safety - 4:08 Video Games - 7:37 Water Survival Skills - 13:22 Trivia - 13:45
Fri, 12 July 2024
In today's episode, Drs Morton and Dodson discuss lyme disease, summer tips including bug, lawn mower, and pool safety, sleep hygiene, and fall and winter advice regarding sports injury prevention and safety, fire safety, and seasonal affective disorder. Time Stamps: Health News - 2:05 Summer Safety - 5:48 Parenting Tip - 19:27 Fall and Winter Safety Tips - 22:13 Trivia - 35:07 |
Fri, 7 June 2024
On today's episode Drs Hicks, Weaver, and Harris discuss measles, ear infections, how to prepare and keep kids comfortable during vaccinations, and vaccine care. Time Stamps: Health News - 1:38 Ear Infections - 3:48 Parenting Tips - 8:21 Vaccine Care - 9:34 Trivia - 14:23 |
Fri, 3 May 2024
In today’s episode Dr. Parod discusses heat stroke and helmet safety. Time Stamps Heat Stroke- 2:13 Helmet Safety - 4:29 Trivia - 9:48 |
Fri, 12 April 2024
In today's episode Drs. Thielen and Thalner discuss RSV vaccination news, eye swelling, healthy eating behaviors and intoeing. Time Stamps RSV Vaccination - 2:03 Eye Swelling - 3:54 Healthy Eating Behaviors - 9:05 Intoeing - 11:06 Trivia - 14:55 |
Sat, 6 April 2024
En el episodio de hoy la Dr. Reyes habla sobre el bullying, salud mental en adolescentes y consejos sobre el eclipse solar.
Bullying- 2:17 Salud Mental en Adolescentes - 4:12 Eclipse Solar - 6:33 |
Fri, 15 March 2024
![]() In today's episode Drs Boes and Jones discuss fetal alcohol syndrome, heart defects in children, how parents can promote heart healthy habits, and heart complications among youth. Time Stamps: Heath News - 2:01 Heart Defects - 3:57 Parenting Tip - 9:26 Heart Complications - 11:00 Trivia - 19:53 |
Fri, 16 February 2024
In today’s episode Drs. Drs. Russ, Burns-Orrego, Deal, and Curran discuss new AI in detecting ear infections, ear infections, and acquired hearing loss. Time Stamps Healthnews - 2:08 Ear Infections - 3:24 Parenting Tip about teething- 11:46 Acquired Hearing Loss - 13:06 Trivia - 17:57 Link to Riley Safety Store mentioned in Parenting Tip-
Fri, 2 February 2024
In today's episode Drs Hare, Jeffers, and Samuel discuss RSV bronchiolitis, the new RSV vaccination, and cold weather safety for kids! Time Stamps: RSV Bronchiolitis - 1:38 Health News - 7:00 Parenting Tips for Cold Weather - 8:34 Trivia - 11:00 |
Fri, 26 January 2024
In today’s episode Drs. Brewer, Canella, and Fleck will discuss infant spit-ups, constipation, and intuitive eating. Time Stamps Health News - 2:00 Infant Spit-ups - 5:30 Constipation - 9:40 Intuitive Eating - 14:05 Trivia - 18:35 |
Fri, 19 January 2024
![]() En el episodio de hoy, los Doctores Garrett y Ramchandani analizan la
Marcas De Tiempo Noticias de Salud - 2:58 Nueva Ley De Indiana - 5:10 Consejo para padres - 9:52 Detección de plomo en recién nacidos - 10:48 Trivia - 17:13 |
Fri, 12 January 2024
![]() In today's episode Drs. Cocuzzo and Anokwte discuss the new RSV vaccine, childhood obesity as a chronic illness, how to deal with fevers, and social media usage among adolescence. Time Stamps: Health News - 1:48 Childhood Obesity - 4:23 Parenting Tip - 11:45 Social Media - 16:04 Trivia - 22:13 |
Fri, 22 December 2023
In today's episode Drs. Adams, Mattingly, VandenBrink, and Tzeng discuss new RSV vaccination, childhood vaccines, and HPV vaccines. Time Stamps: New RSV Vaccine - 2:02 Childhood Vaccines - 4:47 Parenting Tip About Tylenol and Ibuprofen- 10:13 HPV Vaccine - 13:03 Trivia - 17:47
Thu, 14 December 2023
In today's episode Drs Farraj, Shields, Goldsmith, and Blake discuss treating GI bugs, constipation, eating fruits and vegetables, and toilet training. Time Stamps: Health News - 2:03 Constipation - 4:51 Parenting Tip - 10:30 Toilet Training - 12:57
Fri, 8 December 2023
In today's episode Drs. Purk, Garrettson, Matney, Ham discuss Vaccine Confidence Project, Diseases Vaccines Prevent, FAQ About Vaccines. Time Stamps: Health News - 2:03 Diseases Vaccines Prevent - 3:55 FAQ About Vaccines - 8:35 Parenting Tip - 14:11 Trivia - 15:07
Fri, 1 December 2023
In today's episode Dr. Patton, Kumar, and Ogunbekun discuss air quality, seizures, chores, and water safety. Time Stamps Air Quality - 2:20 Seizures - 5:17 Chores - 11:15 Water Safety - 12:33 Trivia - 21:30
Direct download: 147_Part_1_intro_Ladi_Intern_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST |
Fri, 17 November 2023
In this episode, Dr. Thygesen discusses all things teeth! Questions regarding the importance of teeth, disorders that put kids at risk for dental problems, if kids can have too many teeth, and more will be answered! Time Stamps Question 1: Why Are Teeth Important? 1:20 Question 2: When is it Too Early For Teeth? 2:30 Question 3: Can Kids Have Too Many Teeth? 3:32 Question 4: What disorders put kids at risk for dental problems? 4:31 Question 5: Whenn Should Kids Stop Using a Pacifier? 5:20 Question 6: When Should Kids Stop Using Bottles? 6:50 |
Fri, 10 November 2023
In today's episode, Drs. Goble and Saint discuss the Indiana House Bill 1313, Newborn Screening and Lead Screening.
Time Stamp Indiana House Bill 1313 - 2:05 Newborn Screening - 3:23 Parenting Tip on Newborn Screening - 6:21 Lead Screening - 6:53 Trivia - 10:48 Conclusion - 11:31
Fri, 3 November 2023
In today's episode Doctors Eckrote and Brinkworth discuss pink eye, infant reflex, water safety, and sun protection. Time Stamps Pink Eye - 1:36 Infant Reflex - 3:29 Parenting Tip - 10:28 Sun Protection - 11:44 Medical Trivia - 18:25 |
Fri, 27 October 2023
In today's episode, Drs. Manglicmot & Lorince discuss Pink Eye, Eczema, Diaper Rash, and Allergies and Spring Time Activities.
Time Stamps Health News : Pink Eye - 2:05 Eczema - 3:38 Allergies and Spring Time Activities - 8:36 Diaper Rash - 12:56 Trivia - 14:27 Conclusion - 14:41 |
Fri, 20 October 2023
In today's episode, Drs. Santhana and Go discuss American children's diet, introducing solid foods, food allergies, and foods to avoid.
Time Stamps: American Children Diet CDC Data - 2:11 When To Introduce Solid Foods - 4:04 Food Allergies - 9:16 Foods To Avoid During Infancy and Early Childhood - 12:11 Medical Trivia - 15:16 Conclusion - 15:48
Fri, 13 October 2023
In this episode, Drs. Witkowski, Staats, and Prather discuss the new obesity guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics, lifestyle and behavior management of obesity, and sleep throughout childhood. Time Stamps New AAP Obesity Guidelines - 2:00 Lifestyle and Obesity Management - 6:26 Parenting Tip - 12:51 Sleep Throughout Childhood 13:30 Trivia - 19:46 |
Fri, 29 September 2023
In today's episode, Drs. Ebenroth, Grote, and Reyes discuss amoxixillin shortage, respiratory viruses, and asthma. Time Stamps Amoxicillin Shortage - 1:52 Respiratory Viruses - 5:15 Parenting Tip - 12:26 Asthma - 13:31 Trivia - 18:11 Conclusion - 19:37 |
Wed, 26 April 2023
In this episode of Kids Healthcast, join this month's doctors and their special guest, Dr. Tracey Wilkinson, for information about the parechovirus, reproductive health for children and adults, as well as a segment on video games! Topic Times Parechovirus - 1:40 Reproductive Health for Children and Adults - 3:40 Positive Parenting - 13:35 Videogames - 19:30
Sat, 8 April 2023
In today's episode, Drs. LaMotta and Yeager discuss formula shortages, the impacts of breastfeeding, and breastfeeding resources. Time Stamps Formula Shortages - 2:15 Breastfeeding Impacts - 4:28 Supplements and Breastfeeding Resources - 15:00 |
Wed, 15 March 2023
In today's episode, Drs. Nichols and Weiner discuss the bivalent booster, healthy eating and resources, as well as flu prevention.
Time Stamps Bivalent Booster - 2:10 Healthy Eating - 4:25 Monkeypox - 12:45 Flu Prevention - 17:20 Trivia - 19:30
Sat, 4 February 2023
All the information you need in 10 minutes! In this episode of Kids Healthcast, join Drs. Otto and Ramjit for an on the go style episode as they discuss online resources for ADHD, signs and symptoms of it, as well as the science behind it.
Health News: 1:41 Signs of ADHD: 2:35 Science Behind ADHD and DSM-5 Diagnosis: 5:25 Parenting Tips: 7:00 Trivia: 7:42 Conclusion: 8:32
Fri, 23 December 2022
In today's episode, Drs. Johnson, Harding, and Voulgaridou discuss how clinical science data is gathered, resources for kids' health information, and facts about the recent monkey outbreak. Time stamps: Health News - 1:40 The Basics of Science Research - 3:30 Where to Find Reliable Information on Children's Health Topics - 9:00 The 2022 Monkeypox Outbreak - 11:30 Trivia - 17:35 Conclusion - 18:40 |
Fri, 7 October 2022
In this episode, doctors discuss information about monkey pox, 504s, and IEPS, where they will then end with a segment about sports physicals. Topic Times Monkey Pox - 1:55 504s and IEPS - 5:50 Sports Physicals - 12:50 Trivia - 17:55
This episode was recorded August of 2022. |
Mon, 25 July 2022
![]() In this episode, Drs. Hayes and Benson discuss the effect of using Tylenol or Ibuprofen after receiving a vaccine on immunity, the history of vaccines and some common myths, how to make sure your baby is getting enough vitamin D while breastfeeding, and some new COVID-19 vaccine guidelines. Topic Times Tylenol & Ibuprofen - 1:50 Vaccine Myths - 3:35 Vitamin D & Breastfeeding - 14:22 Vaccine Guidelines - 17:00 Trivia - 20:21 This episode was recorded on June 23, 2022. |
Fri, 3 June 2022
In this episode, Drs. Phillips and Halterman discuss updates on COVID-19 booster shots for kids, how to protect kids' skin from the sun, tips on summertime activities, and water safety. Topic Times Vaccine Updates - 1:51 Sun Protection - 4:08 Summertime Activities - 9:33 Water Safety - 10:53 Trivia - 17:22 This episode was recorded on May 23, 2022. |
Fri, 6 May 2022
In this episode Drs. Sheik and Saravolatz discuss Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), sleep in toddlers, overcoming the fear of the dark, and exertional heat illnesses. Topic Times SIDS- 1:54 Sleep in Toddlers - 5:25 Fear of the Dark - 10:57 Exertional Heat Illnesses - 12:47 Trivia - 20:16 This episode was recorded on April 21, 2022. T |
Fri, 8 April 2022
In this episode Drs. Cloyd, Jacobs, and Todd give a guided meditation that you can do with your kids, discuss causes of stress, tips for stress relief, and ask expert Dr. Lamotte about how to talk to kids about stress. Topic Times Guided Meditation - 2:02 Causes of Stress - 3:53 Reducing Stress - 7:17 Dr. Lamotte's Tips on Talking About Stress - 10:09 Trivia - 18:34 This episode was recorded on March 23, 2022. |
Fri, 11 March 2022
In this episode, Drs. Castlen, Escano, and Wolf discuss new data on teen drug use, early brain development, pacifier use and nipple confusion, and how to identify signs of depression using the acronym SIGECAPS. Topic Times Teen Drug Use - 1:45 Early Brain Development - 4:49 Pacifiers and Nipple Confusion - 12:09 Signs of Depression - 15:08 Trivia - 22:01
This episode was recorded February 23, 2022. |
Fri, 11 February 2022
In this episode, Drs. Linxwiler, Jones, and Black discuss developing treatments for peanut allergies, transitioning to sippy cups from breast or bottle feeding, the hierarchy for eczema moisturizers, and the starting solid foods. Topic Times Peanut Allergy Treatment - 1:52 Transitioning to Sippy Cups - 4:58 Moisturizers - 10:46 Starting Solids -13:47 Trivia - 21:42 This episode was recorded on January 27, 2022.
Mon, 27 December 2021
In this episode, Dr. Power discusses bruxism (teeth grinding), reading in early childhood, and how to discuss body image issues with your child. Topic Times
This episode was recorded on December 9, 2021. |
Fri, 19 November 2021
In this episode Drs. Kaur and Garcia talk about Flu Shot, Childhood Obesity, Toy Safety, and Holiday Safety. Topic times
This episode was recorded on October 14, 2021.
Direct download: English123_Edited_Otober_Updated.mp3
Category:English Podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Fri, 29 October 2021
![]() In this episode, Drs. Head, Brigham, and Leyden discuss COVID-19 vaccine updates for children, Kawasaki disease, how to navigate the medicine aisle, and contraception options for adolescents. Topic Times
This episode was recorded on September 13, 2021. |
Fri, 15 October 2021
In this episode, Drs. Ingram, Silva, Thygesen, and Marett discuss nosebleeds, the surge of RSV/Bronchiolitis and how to protect your child, tips on helmet safety, and water consumption. Topic Times
This episode was recorded in August 2021. |
Wed, 18 August 2021
![]() In this month's episode, Drs. Ather, Cole, Morad, and Plagge discuss the mental health of parents with children with medical complexities, as well as common summer infections, bug bites, heat stroke and heat exhaustion, and tips on transitioning back to school. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 07/22/2021 |
Wed, 18 August 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Adesanya and Culley discuss returning to sports during covid, LGBTQIA+ youth, pronouns, and mental health tips. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 06/22/2021 |
Thu, 1 July 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Schumacher and Nokes discuss covid vaccine for children over 12 years old, eczema, discipline, and summer safety advice. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 05/20/2021 |
Sat, 29 May 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Kelly and Allebach discuss asthma, tongue ties, summer and water safety, as well as screen time for kids. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 04/27/2021 |
Thu, 6 May 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Gamarra and Stevens discuss increased levels of lead, bilingualism in children, how to store and dispose of medicine safely, and library resources. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 03/29/2021 |
Thu, 1 April 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Kelley, Loke, and Bshesh discuss topics such as childproofing and household safety, staying active, and eating nutritious foods during a pandemic. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 03/02/2021 |
Tue, 2 March 2021
In this month's episode, Drs. Eib, De Laosa, Gu, and Swanson discuss topics such as birth certificates, transgender medicine, anxiety, and more! Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 02/03/2021 |
Sat, 26 December 2020
Doctors Higgins, Summay, and Rougraff discuss updates on the COVID-19 vaccines, depression in children and adolescents, car seat safety, as well as information about fevers. Topic Times
Helpful Links: Child passenger safety technician/inspection station locator: For more information on the COVID-19 Vaccine Updates: For more information on depression in children and adolescents:
AAP Child Passenger Safety Policy Statement: Indiana Child Restraint Laws:
This episode was recorded on 12/10/2020. |
Mon, 7 December 2020
This episode was recorded with Doctors Kayleigh Avery and Benjamin Bacon. They discuss new fruit juice guidelines during the health news segment. For the main segments, Doctors Avery and Bacon discuss emotional and behavioral health and stress management in the home during the pandemic, The parenting tips provide information on holiday safety. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 11/10/2020 |
Tue, 3 November 2020
This episode was recorded with Doctors Sheela Gogula and Erin Ratterman. They discuss meditation during the health news segment, and during the main segments, they cover safe sleep and seasonal affective disorder. The parenting tips provide information on making virtual schooling easier. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 10/15/2020 |
Mon, 5 October 2020
![]() This episode was recorded by Doctors Shifaa Alkotob, Kaitlyn Edwards, and Trisha Reddy. The three main segments discuss the effects of social media on mental health, the upcoming flu season and information about the flu shot, and everything you need to know about indoor allergens! The parenting tips provide information on how to limit screen time. Topic Times:
This episode was recorded on 09/18/2020 |
Mon, 31 August 2020
![]() Our newest episode discusses various mental health concerns and tips for our parents to help best take care of a child with mental health condition(s). The doctors also discuss the safe storage of firearms and medications in the home! And of course, we had to discuss more on vaccines! Check it out to learn the side effects of vaccines and when you should be concerned. And a special thanks to our doctors this episode, Drs. Ahmed Chmaisse, Kaitlyn Engle, and Nadine Al-Homsi!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded on 8/19/2020. |
Sat, 1 August 2020
This episode is packed with new information! Learn from Drs. Aliya Allahwala, Amelia Mackarey, and Peter Wade on our newest episode! They begin the episode discussing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how promoting resilience is key to preventing chronic conditions linked to ACEs. Our parenting tip provides information on promoting anti-racist behaviors and how different ages begin to see race. We then end the show with more information on MIS-C and more trivia, as always!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded on July 22nd, 2020. |
Wed, 1 July 2020
This month Doctors Molly Bullington, MJ Steele, and Megan Duffey provide you with current news on how COVID-19 can affect the pediatric population. They discuss current reopening plans in Indiana and other states. They also discuss Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), signs and symptoms, and what to do if suspected. Tune in to learn all about it, COVID-19 in Children, and helpful parenting tips! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded on June 16th, 2020. |
Sat, 30 May 2020
Tune in to our newest episode where doctors Stephanie Adaikalam and Isabella Eiler provide you with all kinds of information on Cystic Fibrosis! They discuss how it occurs, treatments, and how parents can help normalize the treatments for this condition. The doctors also discuss parenting tips regarding when you can begin introducing solid foods to infants. Our health news segment covers new COVID-19 information regarding re-opening plans. Tune in to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded on 05/26/2020. |
Wed, 13 May 2020
This episode was recorded in 2016 by Doctors Ali Annaim and Kirsten Borsheim! They discussed pertinent outdoor safety tips still important and relevant to today! The doctors start the episode by discussing Health News regarding video games. Our main two segments discuss how to make the most out of your summer and swim safety measures. Our Parenting Tips provides all the outdoor safety information if you plan a family outing! Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in April of 2016. |
Fri, 1 May 2020
During this time of uncertainty where many people are social distancing in their homes, Drs. Josephine Kim, Kristin Fauntleroy, and Tom Freije prepared an excellent episode to keep YOU informed! Our Health News segment discusses child abuse and non-accidental trauma during these stay at home orders. This segment is followed by our first main segment that discusses discipline approaches and the current AAP recommendations. Our Parenting Tips provide tips from Dr. Fauntleroy discussing effective ways to manage working from home with the kids. We end the show with our last segment of children's mental health and how our current state can affect anxiety and depression. Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded on 04/24/2020. |
Tue, 31 March 2020
Doctors Yen Nguyen Johnson, Drake Bouzek, and Sarah Grout are here to discuss many helpful topics! Dr. Grout starts this episode off by discussing the harmful effects of technology. Then Doctors Johnson and Bouzek discuss communicating with adolescents and coughs in our two main segments. But you cannot forget our parenting tip segment where Dr. Grout discusses some reading tips for toddlers. Tune in to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in March of 2020. |
Mon, 2 March 2020
Coronavirus is all over the news today and doctors Maria Abou Nader, Abby Esker, and Farah Bshesh are here to provide some information on this virus! The doctors also discuss head lice; how to treat, what to do, how they spread, and who they affect! They also provide surprising information from a study that reveals a significant increase in vocabulary for children with neurodevelopmental disorders that sleep more rather than those who do not. Take a listen to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2020. |
Thu, 27 February 2020
Doctors Melanie Norman, Oluwabusayo Adebusuyi, and Kamaldeep Singh provided an immense amount of information for you! The show starts off with a discussion about e-cigarettes in our Health News segment. The doctors also discuss internet safety and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. We discuss tips for making your home safe for the little ones and how to prevent lead poisoning. Our show ends with our trivia question, do you think you know the answer? Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in September of 2019.
Direct download: September_2019-_EPISODE_101m.mp3
Category:English Podcasts -- posted at: 8:30am EST |
Mon, 24 February 2020
Doctors Darrian Bost, Jennifer Chmielewski, Andrea Park, Allison Mueller, and Elizabeth Kinsella start the show by discussing congestion in our Health News segment! They also discuss a recent study performed in ferrets and how it is relevant to caring for little ones dealing with congestion. Our two main segments are vaping and gun safety! We also provide information on constipation. Our show ends with our trivia question: What is Fregoli Syndrome? Listen to find out!
Topic times!
This episode was recorded in July of 2019. |
Thu, 20 February 2020
Doctors Kaitlyn Voss, Marco Almeda, and Ryan Lahood provide you with some great health topics! Our Health News segment discusses recent recalls on pack n plays and how to promote safe sleep. Our main segments discuss the resurge in peanut allergies and everything asthma! Our Parenting Tip segment then provides information for summertime or those who are traveling by providing sunscreen recommendations! Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in June of 2019. |
Mon, 17 February 2020
Doctors Tess Coker and Akta Patel are here to discuss EVERYTHING about E-cigarettes. How do you talk to teens about using? How dangerous are e-cigarettes? What do you do to keep the little ones away from possibly ingesting these substances? Questions like these and MORE are answered in this newest episode! Check it out to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in May of 2019. |
Thu, 13 February 2020
This episode provides you with so much information about measles, the recent outbreak, and the cause of it thanks to Doctors Lauren Logan, Chris Steele, and Florence Sun! Our Health News segment discusses measles outbreak news from February of 2019. Our two main segments provide information on what the measles really is and pertinent vaccine information. Lastly, our Parenting Tip segment provides you with tips for making vaccines a more comfortable experience for the little ones. Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2019. |
Mon, 10 February 2020
This episode provides some helpful and extremely informative information for our parents! Doctors Bradley Paus and Alex Kreiselman start the show by introducing health news on the link between ADHD and genetics. They then discuss various sleep disorders (even ones that make people sleep drive!). Our Parenting Tip provides information on setting curfews for teens. The doctors then discuss pediatric depression. Listen till the end to hear the answer to last week's trivia: what was the first pediatric hospital? Thanks for listening!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in December of 2018.
Direct download: December_2-_2018_EPISODE_96m.mp3
Category:English Podcasts -- posted at: 8:30am EST |
Thu, 6 February 2020
Doctors Raquel Denis and Mariah Ozkir start our show off with some shocking recent news regarding pediatric obesity in our Health News segment. They then discuss teething; when it occurs, what you can do, and normal teeth development! The harms of lead poisoning is discussed thoroughly in our second main segment. And you cannot forget our Parenting Tip which discusses the positives of temper tantrums! Listen to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in December 2018. |
Mon, 3 February 2020
Times have changed and so has the way in which most kids are bullied. With a growing prevalence in teen suicide rates, it is important to learn more about how we address this issue. Doctors Erik Andrewski, Elyse Morgan, Mitali Thanawala, and Jessica Thoe provide excellent information in this episode regarding internet challenges, teen suicide, cyberbullying, and how to start that conversation with your loved ones. Tune in to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in November of 2018. |
Thu, 30 January 2020
This episode provides more flu information! We are still in flu season and it is never too late to learn more about how the vaccine works, different versions, and what studies have revealed to be the most effective measures for preventing the flu. Doctors David Chrobak, Holly Irwin, and Samantha Wagner also discuss what medications are safe to take while breastfeeding in our Health News segment! Our Parenting Tip also provides information on the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection. Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in October of 2018. |
Mon, 27 January 2020
Episode 92 provides you with health information that applies to all parents! Doctors Gloria Tran, Torrey Sharaf, Jillian Gorski, Audrey Marrah, and Leah Stalnaker start this episode out with recent news on the dangers of lead in the environment. Our first main segment then discusses what to do for teens experiencing substance abuse. Our parenting tip helps parents teach their adolescents how to manage the healthcare world once they become 18. Then we finish the show with a discussion of LGBTQ youth. Take a listen and learn a ton!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in September of 2018. |
Thu, 23 January 2020
This episode provides extremely helpful information for parents with newborns, picky eaters, and any children in the home! Doctors Allison Drury, Carley Niehaus, and Deanna Reinoso discuss formula safety in our first main segment. They provide answers to many common questions parents may have such as; is it okay to give my baby tap water? They then continue the show discussing how to handle picky eaters and nutrition for kids. You do not want to miss it!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2018. |
Mon, 20 January 2020
Doctors Carlos Becerril Romero and Kaitlin Swanson are here to discuss the World Health Organization's breastfeeding resolution! They also discuss food allergies and common pediatric rashes. Our Parenting Tip segment then discusses warm weather safety tips for those traveling or for when summer quickly approaches! You don't want to miss this episode!
Topic Times!
This podcast was recorded in July of 2018. |
Thu, 16 January 2020
Doctors Kaitlyn Voss and Morgan Wells packed this episode with lots of interesting and pertinent pediatric health topics! Our Health News segment discusses the risks associated with low-carb diets while pregnant. Iron deficiency anemia and febrile seizures are described in depth in both of our main segments. Lastly, the doctors provide sleep hygiene tips in our Parenting Tips segment. You don't want to miss it!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in June of 2018.
Mon, 13 January 2020
Doctors Blair Welch and Chaniece Wallace provide information on numerous topics in this episode! The Health News segment discusses meningitis, what it is, different kinds, and how it can be treated. Following this discussion, they provide information that answers the most common questions people have about vaccines! The doctors explain tips on how to reduce screen time and end the show discussing reflux in babies. Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in April of 2018. |
Thu, 9 January 2020
This episode is not like most of our previous episodes. Doctors Samuel Williams, Hugo Hau, and Michelle Polich provided you with some real-life scenarios to relate to. This episode includes three common scenarios you, as parents, may have experienced or may experience when caring for your child. It can be difficult determining whether you should take your child to the Emergency Department or call the Pediatrician. This episode is here for you and created to help you feel more confident when making these decisions!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in March of 2018. |
Mon, 6 January 2020
This episode provides some surprising information about various topics thanks to Doctors Melanie Capobianco, Rupal Joshi, Amalia Lehmann, and Eric Raynal. They provide answers to all your influenza and vaccination questions! They also discuss the prevalence of rabies and who is affected in our health news segment. Our parenting tip provides excellent tricks for helping the little ones during potty training. Then our last segment discusses the HPV vaccine. Tune in to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in January of 2018. |
Thu, 2 January 2020
Doctors Samantha Wagner, David Chrobak, and Holly Irwin discuss health news regarding the link between concussions and developing Multiple Sclerosis! They continue the rest of the show discussing head injuries and finish it with basic first aid for cuts, bumps, and bruises. You do not want to miss this episode! Topic Times!
Click here for the CDC Heads Up link. This episode was recorded in October of 2017. |
Mon, 30 December 2019
This episode provides parents with all kinds of helpful tips when it comes to getting the picky eater to try new foods and different discipline strategies to implement! Doctors Abigail Fieldhouse and Julie Klensch also discuss new trends in ear infections and how to decrease risks associated with it. Take a listen to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2017. |
Thu, 26 December 2019
This episode is packed full of pertinent information! Doctors Daniel Hassumani and Allison Lyle discuss different types of eye infections with us. The eye infection segments will teach you everything about preseptal cellulitis and orbital cellulitis. The doctors also provide helpful information regarding how to take temperature and take care of children with fevers. Our parenting tip this episode discusses camping and hiking for all you outdoors families! Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2017. |
Mon, 23 December 2019
Doctors Spencer Eberhard and Nicole Lopez Perez are here to discuss the importance of eating breakfast and information on headaches and migraines. They discuss triggers, care, and the physiology of headaches in children. The doctors also provide some new information regarding recent AAP guidelines for when solid foods can be introduced to infants! Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in December of 2019. |
Thu, 19 December 2019
Doctors Heather Chouteau, Fischer Lydia, Samantha Heidrich, Jonathan Krasinkiewicz, Olufunke Martin, and Brogan Hayden provide parents with great safety and educational tips this episode! Our health news segment discusses the dangers of energy drinks on children and adolescents. Our first main segment discusses bullying and we have a new bullying song included as well! Road safety and ADHD are other topics the doctors discuss as well. You do not want to miss this episode!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in July of 2017. |
Mon, 16 December 2019
This episode provides it all! Take a listen to learn about various health topics from Doctors Andrea Aguilera, Jennifer Sabo, and Kirsten Borsheim. They are here to discuss recent news about the increase in gender reassignment surgeries and what has caused it. The doctors also discuss childhood obesity and how you can help your picky eaters to make healthy choices. Lastly, the doctors discuss vision screenings and various eye conditions. You don't want to miss this episode!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in May of 2017. |
Thu, 12 December 2019
This episode is full of all kinds of important information for parents! Our Health News segment discusses recent studies on the success of the flu and pertussis vaccine. Doctors Ashley Arnoldi and Corin Marshall also discuss diet changes in infants during the first year of life, how to effectively use time outs and gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in infants. Take a listen to learn more!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in April of 2017. |
Mon, 9 December 2019
This episode uncovers all the ins and outs of ear infections! Doctors Angela Bryant and Alyson Greenwell discuss two main segments over this topic! They also provide surprising Health News about teen suicide rates. Lastly, they discuss how to tell if a snack is healthy in our Parenting Tips segment. Take a listen to hear more about these topics!
Topics Times!
This episode was recorded in March of 2017. |
Thu, 5 December 2019
This episode was recorded and scripted by Doctors Tyler Severance, Melissa Bowers, Cara Charnogursky, Amber Day, and Tyler Fromm. Is your little one home sick with a stomach bug? Are you curious about the harms of e-cigarettes? How about what gifts are best for your children? This episode discusses it all! Take a listen!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in December of 2015. |
Mon, 2 December 2019
This episode discusses all the pertinent information parents want to know when it comes to caring for their newborns! Doctors Laura Segers, Katherine Soe, and Mallory McIntosh. discuss research regarding SIDS prevention, quality sleep hygiene practices, and answer questions regarding newborn care in the first weeks of life. Our News Health segment also answers a question from one of our listeners; what is the purpose of getting the Vitamin D injection? Listen to learn more and find out!
Topics Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2017. |
Thu, 28 November 2019
Doctors Amy Leder and Christine Nix discuss numerous topics that can be impacting the lives of children everywhere! Their Health News segment discusses recent discoveries of the improvement in pediatric nutrition. This segment is followed up with a discussion about GER and GERD in infants and children. Our parenting tip provides tips on how to notice and what to do when children are being bullied. Lastly, we discuss gun violence; how to prevent it and how prevalent it truly is! Stay tuned to learn more!
Topics Times!
This episode was recorded in December of 2016. |
Mon, 25 November 2019
This episode provides all the information about current obesity trends in children. Doctors Sabena Hussian and Jacquelyn Lajiness even had the opportunity to interview a dietician for this episode to gain more knowledge on how to encourage adequate nutrition in the pediatric population! The Parenting Tip this episode discusses how to get your child to eat green beans (or really any foods)! We hope you enjoy! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in November of 2016. |
Thu, 21 November 2019
This episode provides exciting Health News regarding a new possible influenza vaccine! Doctors Dallin Hubbard and Jorge Gonzales also discuss caring for children with dehydration, diarrhea, and ear infections. Our parenting tip discusses how to treat fevers at home. We hope you enjoy!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in November of 2019. |
Thu, 14 November 2019
This episode is for those thinking about getting family pets, those with pets, and those that just love pets in general! Doctors Brogan Hayden and Jessica Mayer provide us with so much insight into the benefits and the challenges of pet ownership. Our main topics discuss pet ownership in general and how pets can be beneficial in helping children throughout the grieving process. Our Health News discusses the challenges of pets and our parenting tip reveals safety considerations with pets. Take a listen to learn more about the impact pets can make in the lives of your children!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in October of 2016. |
Mon, 11 November 2019
This episode is packed full of important information regarding the prevalence of HPV and mononucleosis in adolescence! The doctors also discuss the prevention and care of those affected. Our health news segment discusses the FDA's interesting discovery about anti-bacterial soaps. This show also provides pertinent parenting tips on potty training the little ones! This episode was scripted and recorded by Doctors Natalie Kurtz, Jacqueline Roberts, and Eric Shepard. Enjoy!
Topic times!
This episode was recorded in September of 2016.
Direct download: September_2016-_DONE-_EPISODE_71.mp3
Category:English Podcasts -- posted at: 8:00am EST |
Thu, 7 November 2019
Doctors Gokila Pillai, Santhi Reddi, Katelyn Roberts, Frank Soltys, and Emily Wagner discuss some, sometimes, difficult topics to bring up to your children. This episode talks about adolescent mental health, cyberbullying, and provides tips on how to manage social media. We hope you take a listen and learn some valuable information regarding these topics!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2016. |
Mon, 4 November 2019
Doctors Jason Miller and Tyler Severance scripted and recorded this extremely fact-filled sports podcast! They discuss the news of adolescent depression, the effects organized athletics has on children, and sports medicine. They even discuss parenting tips on what to do when your child wants to quit and so many common questions parents have about organized athletics. Learn more about these various health topics that make a direct impact on the health of all children!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in June of 2016. |
Thu, 31 October 2019
This new episode was scripted and spoken by Doctors Eli Rhoads and Duo Li. They discuss recent health news with English Langauge Learning students and literacy programs in the United States today. They provide excellent sleeping habit tips and even discuss nicotine poisoning. You do not want to miss this episode!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in May of 2016. |
Mon, 28 October 2019
Doctors Laura Edwards and Alyssa Swick discuss health news over the 2016 Zika outbreak and relevant safety tips to keep pregnant moms safe! They also are here to inform us of eczema in children and various early intervention programs that are available to parents. This episode's parenting tip discusses efficient ways to help you get the kids dressed in the morning. We hope you continue to stay informed and take a listen!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in March of 2016. |
Thu, 24 October 2019
This episode discusses all of the topics relevant to this 2019 fall season! Our Health News segment discusses the recent news on e-cigarette use and the dangers it causes to today's youth. Our main segment discusses everything flu vaccine. How does it work? Why do I feel icky after getting one? Why should I get one? And other questions such as these will all be answered! Then, we will have our parenting tips over food allergies and Halloween safety. Doctors Amy Hanson, Becca Koenigsburg, Leah Schornick, and Hayley Varela all prepared this episode with the best tips for parents this Trick-or-Treat season. Take a listen and learn something new!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in October of 2019. |
Mon, 21 October 2019
This episode is one packed full of different topics! You will get to learn more about appendicitis, intussusception, how heavy backpacks can cause damage, Halloween safety, lice, scabies, AND bed bugs. Doctors Tara Sarin and Rachel Zincone discuss all of these topics to keep us informed during the spooky season! Tune in!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in October of 2015. |
Tue, 15 October 2019
This episode discusses a multitude of topics for our listeners! This is a great episode for those looking to learn more about healthy eating for their children. Doctors Mallory McGinnis-McIntosh and Richa Sharma are here to discuss obesity, nutrition, and healthy baby bowel movements. We also have the answer to the last episode's trivia question and new trivia! Stay tuned for more episodes and enjoy this one!
Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in September of 2015. |
Tue, 8 October 2019
This month’s episode includes Drs. Katherine Cheng, Derryl Miller, Roma Bose, and David Rayburn discussing numerous health topics for pediatric patients. We will hear a lot of pertinent information related to seizure disorders in children. This podcast will have a special focus on febrile seizures and how they compare to Epilepsy. Safety precautions and practices for those diagnosed with epilepsy will also be discussed. We hope you enjoy and stay tuned for future episodes! Topic times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2015. |
Sun, 13 January 2019
In this week's episode, Drs. Jafri and Cater address multiple topics on pediatric health. Dr. Cater begins with health news and addresses oral thrush in babies. Dr. Jafri then discusses jaundice in newborns. Finally, the show finishes with a discussion on infantile colic. Hope you enjoy! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in July of 2015.
Sat, 12 January 2019
This week's episode is all about sleep. Dr. Mosier begins with a discussion on the health outcomes of sleep on children. We then move on to a discussion on sleep patterns with Dr. Andoh. Finally, the episode closes out with an explanation of Sleep Disorders in childhood with Dr. Scherer. Hope you enjoy! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in May of 2015.
Fri, 5 January 2018
This week, we discuss a plethora of pediatric and adolescent mental health issues. Dr. Sneha Pampati begins with health news related to the management of ADHD. She then discusses eating disorders as well as gun safety. Dr. Sarah Tarai closes our podcast with a discussion on dental health, particularly during the infant and toddler years. Dr. Nina Hu was pivotal in the development of this week's content. Enjoy! Topic Times!
Links Injury and Violence Prevention Resources - Indiana State Department of Health
This podcast was recorded in April of 2015. |
Fri, 29 December 2017
We have great topics this week, all discussed by Dr. Lauren Taylor-Scherer and Dr. Colin Rogerson. In our health news segment, we discuss genetic screening and what it means for our children. Our main topics include pediatric fever and when to worry, as well as birth defects that affect the heart. Our parenting tip tackles potty training. Tune in! Topic Times!
This podcast was recorded in March of 2015. |
Fri, 22 December 2017
Pediatrics is all about preventative medicine, and we feel strongly about setting your child up for success. We want to work with parents to guide children into healthy decisions before issues arise. Drs. Farrell and Belt discuss important preventative health milestones that occur at your child's well-child visits, from vaccines to reading to bullying to sex. They provide thoughtful reminders about why it is important to set up regular visits with your child's pediatrician. Topic Times!
This podcast was recorded in February of 2015. |
Fri, 15 December 2017
Pediatricians recommend less than 2 hours of screen time each day and no screen time in children less than 2 years old. We know this is difficult. Let Drs. Demissie and Bhumbra explain why pediatricians feel so strongly about limiting media exposure and screen time in our children. Topic Times!
Links Common Sense Media -
This episode was recorded in January of 2015.
Fri, 8 December 2017
Nails, nails, nails! Doctors Courtney, Kirkpatrick, and Frey-Stephenson talk all about nail health in this month's episode of Kids Healthcast. They even give tips on how to cut your child's nails. This is no small task! Tune in! Topic Times!
This podcast was recorded in December of 2014. |
Fri, 1 December 2017
Is your teen always sleepy? Learn more about teen sleep deprivation. Also, learn about febrile seizures and how to help your child with their never-ending homework. And yes, another podcast about breastfeeding. In this episode, Drs. Rich and Gervelis provide you with very practical tips on how to successfully breastfeed. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in September of 2014.
Fri, 24 November 2017
Children need to feed their body and their brain. Drs. Ouyang and Corbo-Puffer do an excellent job explaining the importance of early childhood reading as well as nutrition. Learn about infant formulas and how to feed a picky toddler. It is possible! Our parenting tip tells you how to pack a nutritious school lunch. These are real challenges; you are not alone! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in July of 2014. |
Fri, 17 November 2017
Expecting parents, this episode is a must-listen! Dr. Virtue and Dr. Schroeder talk about the newborn period. They discuss proper feeding schedules for newborn babies, as well as post-partum depression, a very common and important issue. Stay tuned to also learn tips on newborn allergen exposure and how to react to temper tantrums. Topic Times!
Post-Partum Depression Scale: Click Here This episode was recorded in June of 2014.
Fri, 10 November 2017
Drs. Heather Muston and Anna Neyman cover a wide variety of topics in this episode. First, learn why pediatricians love breastfeeding! There are so many benefits for both mom and baby. Second, learn all about diabetes, a serious problem in our country today. Lastly, learn tips about burn safety. Don't forget that this can be a big issue in the winter as well! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in May of 2015.
Fri, 3 November 2017
Sports can be a pivotal aspect of a child's physical, social, and emotional development. This episode, Dr. Maria Herrera and Dr. Sarah Wing will discuss sports medicine. Learn what is involved in a "sports physical," how to be a responsible sports parent and all about the most common sports injuries. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in April of 2014.
Mon, 17 July 2017
This episode, Doctors Ashley Grigsby, Jillian Halper, and Christina Thomas discuss serious mental health topics that are applicable to children and adults alike. They discuss the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, as well as the dangers of cyberbullying and depression. And no discussion of depression can be complete without addressing teen suicide and gun safety. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in July of 2014.
Fri, 14 April 2017
This episode features Drs. Amna Aziz, Angela Hoynacki, and Krista Allen. They will discuss the dangers of electronic cigarettes, the potential benefits of probiotics, and how to prevent food poisoning at home. Our parenting tip focuses on teaching children and teenagers responsibility. Topic Times!
Update: In January 2017, Indiana state legislature passed a law that highly regulates the packaging of liquid nicotine, the material that is smoked in electronic cigarettes. It specifically mandates that liquid nicotine is sold in child-resistant packaging. Great news for our children's safety! Also, FYI, one must be 18 years old to purchase electronic cigarettes or liquid nicotine in Indiana. Links:
This episode was recorded in November of 2015.
Sat, 25 March 2017
This episode, Dr. Erin Khan talks about the importance of limiting screen time and also answers the most common questions about childhood fever. Dr. Matthew Miller discusses Tummy Time and why it's pivotal to your child's development. He also discusses tips for a better night's sleep with Dr. Casey McCluskey. Tune in! Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in March of 2014.
Thu, 2 March 2017
Doctors Harris, Baenziger, Daniels, and Ellis discuss the important topics of water cleanliness and the BPA controversy. It's important to know what we are putting in our bodies! Is your child having a difficult time waking up in the morning? Our parenting tip discusses ideas on how to make adjusting kids' schedules easier for the whole family. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2015.
Sat, 25 February 2017
This month, Dr. Laura Linnemeier, Dr. Cori Dionisio, and Dr. Frank Soltys will discuss common pediatric issues that arise during the winter months. Learn more about the common cold and why antibiotics may not be necessary. Also, listen to some great tips on how to stay active and safe during cold weather. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2016.
Thu, 28 May 2015
![]() This episode we have Drs. Lindsey Arnold and Robert Mikan as our host doctors. We discuss childhood leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, including what they are and how they are diagnosed. We also give parenting tips on taking care of a child with a chronic medical condition. Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia question, which was: "How many miles of nerves are in the adult human body?" Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2014. |
Sat, 1 November 2014
This episode we have Drs. Amy Eapen and Elizabeth Musil as our host doctors. We cover influenza vaccines and pet etiquette. Listen in to learn about enterovirus D68 and what parents should know about it. What is hookah smoking? Find out what it is and why it is harmful. Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia question, which was: "How many cells are in the human body?" Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in January of 2014. |
Sat, 5 July 2014
![]() This month we have Dr. Tony Ljuldjuraj and Brian Leber as our host doctors, along with special guest Dr. Sandeep Gupta from Riley Pediatric Gastroenterology (GI). Food allergies and effective time out practices will be covered, and Dr. Gupta will discuss a hot topic affecting many children today: Eosinophilic Esophagitis, or EOE. Listen in to learn about this disease and its treatment. The doctors also have something to share about cleaning a pacifier in a parent's mouth - is this an ok way to clean it? Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia question, which was: "What is the longest a human has gone without sleep?" Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in December of 2013. |
Thu, 1 May 2014
![]() This month, Dr. Hiba Chehab, Dr. Molly McPheron, and Dr. Jonathan Merrell join us in the studio to discuss some great health news and information. The hot topic of vitamin K deficiency in the newborn is covered, with a discussion of the pros and cons of the vitamin K injection. Swimmer's ear is also covered - with summer coming soon, external ear infections will be on the rise! They also discuss what to do for accidental ingestion of a poisonous substance (call 1-800-222-1222), and give tips for preventing accidental gun injuries. Finally, they answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "What was the first vaccine and how was it developed?" Topic Times!
Links/Info: 1-800-222-1222 (universal poison control) This episode was recorded in November of 2013. |
Fri, 4 April 2014
![]() This month we have four doctors in the studio: Dr. Kristen Tiedt, Dr. Evan Kruetzer, Dr. Rachel Leon, and Dr. Ryan Stegink. They share tips on dining out with children, choking hazards and how to respond to a choking child and carbon monoxide poisoning prevention and treatment. They also discuss preparing a teenage child for college both medically and from a parenting perspective. Finally, they answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "What medical disorder is named after the title character of a beloved children's book?" Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in August of 2013. |
Sat, 15 March 2014
This month, Dr. Lara Darling and Dr. Kristen Ameel are in - they have great information on preparing for international travel medically, and some excellent practical trips for traveling with kids. They also share recent news about chldren's sleeping patterns, and parasites, mites, and things that bite! Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "How many hours do kids spend using electronic devices?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Pediatric Sleep Habits -- 1:48 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 40
Fri, 7 February 2014
Today, we've reached back into the vault to pull out one of our classic episodes. We discuss normal baby development in the first year, Potty Training, discuss RSV bronchiolitis, and Medical Trivia. Time -- Topic 1:56 -- Health News: Bronchiolitis Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 39 |
Mon, 2 December 2013
![]() Dr. Kathryn Harlow and Dr. Ashley Scheffer join us for this month's podcast. In health news we will learn about the dangers of the "cinnamon challenge". We will continue our podcast with a discussion about pediatric headaches. We will have some parenting tips this month on helping your child cope. In our second main segment we discuss concussions and sports related head injuries. Finally, we have this month's medical trivia question and the answer to last month's question." Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Dangers of the "Cinnamon Challenge" -- 1:50 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 38
Mon, 14 October 2013
![]() Dr. Amanda Croxton and Dr. Allison Pratt join us for this month's podcast. In health news we will learn about the association of infantile colic with migraines. We continue our discussion on bicycle helmets in the main segment. We will have some parenting tips this month on how to wean an infant. In our second main segment we discuss anemia. Finally, we have this month's medical trivia question and the answer to last month's question." Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Migraines and Infantile Coli -- 1:33 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 36
Sat, 31 August 2013
![]() Dr. Avika Dixit and Dr. Julie Stark join us for this month's podcast. We start with health news about school-based interventions for childhood obesity. We continue our discussion on childhood obesity in the main segment talking about 5- 2-1-0: a simple tool for prevention of childhood obesity. Our parenting tip this month is about ensuring safety of teens on the internet and social media websites. In our second main segment we discuss car seat safety. Finally, we have this month's medical trivia question and the answer to last month's question." Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Obesity Prevention in Schools -- 1:35 For more information about topics discussed in this program follow these links: Maine Department of Public Health Childhood Obesity Prevention Program Center on Media and Child Health at Children’s Hospital Boston
CDC’s Motor Vehicle Safety Section Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 35
Thu, 18 July 2013
This month we have a new podcast from Dr. Cristiana Hentea and Dr. Daniel Runco. The doctors will first discuss health news about bedwetting. Next we will have some helpful hints for parents about their child's sleep and safety during the night. During this podcast, our doctors will also discuss some ideas for helping parents who are experiencing sleepless nights. We will also discuss some important information about cosleeping. Finally, we will answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "What medical condition is known as the "Disease of Kings"? ("Henry the VIII I am, I am...")" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Bedwetting -- 1:30 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 34
Thu, 30 May 2013
![]() This month we have a new podcast from Dr. Robert Abood and Dr. Stanley Brewer. The doctors will first discuss health news about the dangers of inflatable bounce houses. Next we will have some helpful hints for parents dealing with temper tantrums. During this podcast, our doctors will also discuss some ideas for spending quality time together as a family. We will also discuss some important information about food allergies. Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "What common household item sends nearly 2,500 people to the Emergency Department? Hint- "It" lives in the bathroom." Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Dangers of Inflatable Bounce Houses -- 1:52 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 33
Mon, 29 April 2013
![]() We're back this month with a new podcast from Dr. Alyssa Halper, Dr. Nikita Patel, and Dr. Laura Stage. The doctors are ready to discuss Influenza and Hypothyroidism. Do you have an anxious child? During this podcast, our doctors will discuss how to cope with school anxiety. We will also give some parenting tips for children who are afraid of the dark. Finally, we will answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "On average, how many colds do children under age 6 years have per year?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - School Anxiety -- 1:50 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 32
Sat, 9 March 2013
This month, Drs. Bridget Clark and Audreen Louis are our guests in the Kids Healthcast studio. They have brought some interesting topics to discuss with you, starting with bullying on TV in the news. They also discuss how to care for your children's teeth, and the West Nile virus, an infection spread by mosquitos which always gets a lot of public attention. In parenting tips, they cover appropriate discipline for children, and of course we have our answer to last month's medical trivia, which was: What are the two most common vitamin deficiencies in children? Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Bullying on TV -- 1:45 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 31
Thu, 7 February 2013
This month, Dr. Kelly Eagen and Dr. Alana Barbato go into depth on topics you'll be interested in. In health news, they discuss the finding that sleep disorders such as sleep apnea early in childhood are associated with learning difficulties in school. One of our main topics is Autism - Dr. Eagen discusses resources for parents and the importance of early therapy. We also discuss pertussis, or whooping cough, which has had some recent outbreaks. In parenting tips, we discuss how to get those kids eating vegetables and fruits. Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "When was the first successful bone marrow transplant?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Sleep Disorders and Learning Problems in Children -- 1:46 National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) Web site: Phone: 1-800-695-0285
Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 30
Sun, 13 January 2013
![]() We're back this month with a new podcast from Dr. Christine Chu and Dr. Abby Haiste. The doctors are in to answer your questions about constipation and pediatric fiber needs. What exactly is constipation and does a child do it on purpose? The answers are in the episode, along with information about the various kinds of formula and how to tell spit up and vomiting apart. Finally, we answer last month's medical trivia, which was: "Do people who stutter also stutter when they sing?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Pediatric Fiber Intake -- 1:36 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 29
Thu, 13 September 2012
Laura Stage, Nate Fleming, Namrata Ahuja and Jonathan Salisbury all team up this month for another podcast you won't want to miss. We start with a discussion of the dangers of magnets when swallowed by youngsters. Then, Dr. Fleming will talk to us about stuttering - just how common is it, and can it be overcome? We will also have a discussion of the importance of pool safety, and the one thing you can do which reduces the risk of drowning by 50 percent. Dr. Stage will then discuss TV, computer, and video game time -- how much is too much? And we'll have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "What is the most common foodborne illness in the United States?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Magnet Ingestions -- 1:27 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 28
Tue, 7 August 2012
The doctors this month are Hank Knouse and Anne McHugh, who discuss with us some summer related topics. We start with a discussion of tanning beds and their unfortunate use in some children. Dr. Knouse then tells parents about the dangers of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and how to avoid it. We discuss an all-important teenage topic (Acne!), and end with a discussion of how to introduce a new baby in a home with pets. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "How many tablets of Tylenol would it take to cause liver damage to an average toddler?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Tanning Beds -- 1:56 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 27
Sun, 24 June 2012
![]() Fantastic episode this month with Dr. Kristen Dauss and Dr. Justin Fuller with a safety theme. We start with the hot topic of Bumbo seats then discuss pediatric head injuries: how to prevent them and what to do about them. Cara Fast, MSW, joins us from the Riley Hospital for Children Safety Store, discussing the many low cost products and services they have to help familes be safe at home and on the go. Dr. Dauss then shares her top five tips for parents of toddlers, and we finish with the answer to last month's medical trivia question: "What familiar piece of doctor's equipment was invented by French Physician René Laennec?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Bumbo Seats -- 1:32 Links mentioned in the show: Poison Control: 1-800-222-1222 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 26
Tue, 1 May 2012
![]() Doctors Anne Kouri and Amanda Walter are our guests for this month's podcast. The episode begins with health news about Umbilical Cord Blood Banking and the pros and cons against storing your newborns umbilical cord blood. Our main topics of this month’s episode continue with Umbilical Cord Care once a newborn is at home and also how to help your teen with depression. Our Parenting Tip for this month is one strategy on how to handle arguments with your teenager. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "What is the deadliest animal?” Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News: Umbilical Cord Blood Banking – 2:10 Main Topic: Umbilical Cord Care – 4:40 Main Topic: Teen Depression – 8:50 Parenting Tip: How to Handle Arguments With Your Teenager – 17:45 Medical Trivia – 20:25 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 25
Tue, 10 April 2012
Doctors Annie Esquivel and Holly Brine are our guests for this month's podcast. The episode begins with health news, discussing childhood measles and the recent outbreak at the Indianapolis Super Bowl. Our main topics of this month’s episode are Safety Tips for the Summer and how to help your child keep a Healthy Smile. Our Parenting Tip for this month is how to discuss substance abuse with your child. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "Which famous individuals are thought to have Asperger Syndrome?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News: Measles Outbreak – 2:20 Main Topic: Summer Safety Tips – 4:10 Main Topic: How to Keep a Child’s Healthy Smile – 10:00 Parenting Tip: How to Discuss Substance Abuse with your Child – 15:10 Medical Trivia – 18:10 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 24
Wed, 29 February 2012
Doctors Steber and Ellertson are our guests for this month's podcast. Dr. Steber begins with health news, discussing childhood obesity and how to help your child stay active and eat healthily. Then Dr. Ellertson goes on to discuss pediatric asthma and how to adjust your child’s lifestyle if he/she has asthma. Next, Dr. Steber discusses helpful information for mothers and breastfeeding versus formula feeding for infants. Dr. Ellertson then gives parenting tips on how to help your child start school. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "How much money is spent each year in the United States on marketing and advertising aimed at children?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Childhood Obesity – 1:25 Asthma – 8:30 Health News: Infant and Breast Feeding – 15:40 How to Help Your Child Start School – 21:00 Medical Trivia – 24:10 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 23
Thu, 9 February 2012
![]() Dr.'s Baker, Teagarden and Rock are our guests for this month's podcast. Dr. Baker begins with health news, discussing pertussis and how to protect your child from becoming infected and what to do once your child has pertussis. Then Dr. Teagarden goes on to discuss Neonatal Jaundice and what to look for in your newborn. Next, Dr. Rock discusses helpful information for parents whose children suffer from headaches. Dr. Baker will also discuss how to help your child get to and stay asleep. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "At what age does a baby's eye color become permanent?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Pertussis -- 1:35 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 22
Mon, 9 January 2012
![]() Dr. Sarah Kamel and Megan McHenry are our guests for this month's podcast. Dr. Kamel starts with health news, discussing puppy love-teaching your child how to safely approach a dog. She then goes on to discuss fighting the bite - animal related illness and bites. Next, Dr. McHenry discusses helpful information for parents traveling with small children and tips on weaning your infant off the bottle. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "At what age does a baby's eye color become permanent?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Puppy Love -- 1:47 Links mentioned in the show: TSA's Information on Traveling Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 21
Sat, 3 December 2011
Dr. Shelly Nelson and Amy Ratliff join us in the podcast this month. They answer a listener's questions about a child who wakes up screaming every night and then quickly falls back to sleep, go over the pros and cons of cloth diapers, and discuss the HPV vaccine in health news. Bedwetting is discussed - and it's more common than you probably think! Finally, we get the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "Which mold has been used for thousands of years as a medicine?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - HPV Vaccine -- 1:35 Links mentioned in the show: Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 20
Thu, 3 November 2011
This month Suyog Kamatkar, Jason Misurac, and Janet Kowalski are our guest physicians, discussing issues of interest to parents. In Health News, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has updated and re-issued their 1992 statement on Back To Sleep and SIDS prevention. Dr. Misurac discusses the new statement and safe sleep practices. Dr. Kamatkar then discusses ADHD diagnosis and treatment in detail. In parenting tips, Dr. Kowalski shares how to find a babysitter, and then goes on to discuss treatment of childhood fever, dispelling some myths and sharing the truth. Finally, we have the answer to last month's medical trivia question - Does adding cereal to a baby's bottle help him or her sleep through the night sooner? Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - SIDS and Safe Sleep -- 2:00 Further Information on Topics Discussed in the Show: Childcare Resource in Central Indiana Video about finding childcare in Central Indiana Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 19
Tue, 4 October 2011
![]() Dr. Matt Yuknis and Dr. Laura Thieme are our guest doctors for this episode, and they brought some great information to the program. In health news, we discuss a new comercial on the air which warns families against the dangers of anaphylaxis, but what is anaphylaxis and who is at risk? Dr. Matt has the answers. Next, Dr. Thieme discusses circumcision. It's a personal decision, but Dr. Thieme discusses what it is, and some of the pros and cons. In parenting tips, we discuss how to babyproof a home for a crawling infant, and finally Dr. Matt discusses the newborn screen that every baby has done within the first few days of life. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question which was "What is the longest recorded attack of hiccups?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Anaphylaxis -- 1:20 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 18
Sun, 28 August 2011
![]() Dr. Pat Clements and Dr. Brittany Maloney have some timely advice this month for you parents out there about starting the school year off right. They also answer one of the most commonly asked questions in our offices: how can I help my toddler sleep? Potty training, another popular subject, is addressed for the second time in our show's history (check back with episode 1 for the first time), but it's worth it because so many still have questions about this important milestone in a child's life.
Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - The importance of family meals -- 1:36 Links Mentioned in the Show: Information for parents on a wide variety of topics from the American Association of Pediatrics. Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 17
Sun, 31 July 2011
Doctors Danielle Slifko, Rachel Yoder and Ryan Grimm team up this month to deliver some timely messages for families. With the school year approaching, the prospect of bullying again comes up. Learn which children are at risk and what you can do as a parent if your child is a victim of bullying or if he or she bullies other children. The doctors also discuss sports related concussions, and the question of returning to play. They also discuss the new recommendation that children remain rearward facing in their carseats until 2 years of age. Finally, we have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, "What is the speed of an average sneeze?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - New Developments in Carseat Recommendations -- 1:34 Links Mentioned in the Show: Help installing car safety seats for children with special needs
Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 16
Tue, 28 June 2011
![]() For Kids Healthcast 15, Dr. Nayan Srivastava and Dr. Ashley Gorby have a summer-themed episode for the summer months ahead. They discuss marijuana use in teenagers and how parents can prevent marijuana use in children. Bug spray and sunscreens are discussed including what to look for and when you can start using these products in babies. In our parenting tips section, we suggest some tips for making a vacation work as a single parent, and we also discuss how to develop a good routine for children. We end the show with the answer to last month's medical trivia question: What inherited blood disorder is known as 'The Royal Disease'? Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Marijuana Use in Teenagers -- 1:57 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 15 |
Sun, 29 May 2011
![]() In this show, Dr. Brock Metzger and Dr. Ashley Stallion take on an impressive assortment of common illlnesses, important parent questions, and child safety. You will learn about Strep throat, head lice, pink eye, colds and vomiting in the Back to School Illnesses segment, and the safety tips for parties also apply to everyday safety concerns. Be sure to tune in for the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: What is the only bone in the body not connected to another bone?
Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - The Effect of Parental Smoking on Children's Choices -- 1:05 Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 14 |
Tue, 26 April 2011
![]() This month's podcast is hosted by Dr. Jacob Zucker and Dr. Lauren Jones, and begins with a discussion of cold medicines, and whether they should be used in children or not. Dr. Jones discusses common feeding questions with infants, and Dr. Zucker adds our parenting tip: getting a child to take bad tasting medicine. We are excited to also have Riley Hospital for Children Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. John Christenson on the program this month, discussing vaccines; and we have the answer to last month's medical trivia question: What was the first vaccine? Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Are Cold Medicines Appropriate for Children? -- 1:14 Links Mentioned in the Show: What is the Recommendation on Cold Medicines for Kids? Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 12 |
Mon, 21 March 2011
![]() Doctors Brian Leland, Hilary White, Anne Marie Bianculli and Tobe Mofunanya together bring us our special anniversary podcast - a themed episode covering childhood obesity. In Health News, we cover a Healthy School Lunch program that encourages students to make healthy choices. Parenting tips focuses on ways to prevent and combat childhood obesity. We also review the effects of childhood obesity and we end with the answer to our medical trivia question - What illness did JFK suffer from during his presidency?
Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Healthy Choices Lunch Program -- 1:46
Links mentioned in the show: Let's Move - Michelle Obama's campaign to fight childhood obesity. Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 12 |
Thu, 17 February 2011
This month, doctors Andy Rettger and Matt Kardatzke address the symptoms and treatment of constipation, eating whole grains, and getting your child to accept new foods. This month we have a special interview with Sandy Workman, a representative of About Special Kids or ASK. ASK is a parent-to-parent network for parents of children with special healthcare needs which helps connect parents to the resources available for them. We also have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was: "What was the first organ to be successfully transplanted?" Topic -- Time at which Segment Begins Health News - Whole Grains -- 1:14 Links mentioned in the show: Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 11 |
Sun, 16 January 2011
![]() Dr. Degrauw, Dr. Patel and Dr. Kelley are our hosts this month as we discuss the rapidly changing world of teens and technology. In Health News, we discuss texting and driving, a dangerous practice that causes many deaths each year. In Parenting Tips, we cover strategies for talking with your teen about their use of technology while driving. We also discuss how the use of MP3 players could lead to hearing loss, and we have the answer to last month's medical trivia question, which was "How long does it take food to digest in your stomach?"
Topic -- Time The World of Teens and Technology -- 1:51 Links Mentioned in the Show: Textecution uses your phone's GPS to detect if you're moving faster than 10 mph, at which point it disables texting. Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 10 |
Tue, 7 December 2010
![]() In this month's episode, we discuss common winter topics like how to tell a cold from the flu, and how to prevent colds and the flu. We also discuss how to choose toys that promote children's development this holiday season, and how to know when you need to call your doctor about a fever. We also answer last month's medical trivia question, which was "What is the average lifespan of the human tastebud?" Topic -- Time Choosing Toys That Encourage Child Development -- 1:45 Links Mentioned in the Show: Fever and Taking Your Child's Temperature Fever Guidelines: What's a Parent to Do? Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 9 |
Sun, 7 November 2010
For this episode we start off by discussing MRSA, and we then interview a guest about Medical Legal partnerships, which are collaborations between doctors and lawyers to benefit patients. In our parenting tip section, we discuss the pros and cons of pacifiers -- providing parents with the information they need to make a decision. We also bring up a subject parents may be uncomfortable discussing, but which is essential to discuss: body parts and good touch vs. bad touch. We also answer last month's medical trivia question -- who developed the clean operating room technique we use for surgery today? Topic -- Time MRSA -- 2:09 Medical Legal Partnerships -- 7:41 Good Touch, Bad Touch -- 16:50 Pacifiers -- Are they good for Baby? -- 25:10 Medical Trivia -- 31:03
Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 8 |
Wed, 6 October 2010
![]() In this month's episode, we discuss the causes of diarrhea and the danger of dehydration. We give tips for how to know your child is ready for preschool or kindergarten, and discuss seasonal allergies. In our Health News segment, we discuss the PCV 13 (Prenar 13) vaccine, which replaces the PCV 7 vaccine. Finally, we give the answer to last month's medical trivia question -- What famous character in music history suffered from deafness and depression?
Topic -- Time PCV 13 vaccine -- 1:48 Diarrhea and dehydration -- 5:36 Signs of Kindergarten Readiness -- 17:22 Seasonal Allergies -- 24:45 Medical Trivia -- 28:48
When you call our number (812-214-KIDS), you will be connected to our voicemail. Leave a question for the doctors and we may use your recorded message in an upcoming show! Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 7 |
Mon, 6 September 2010
![]() This month, we discuss how to prevent drowning as well as tips for children and families dealing with childhood obesity. We discuss summer safety; covering insect repellent, sunscreen and fireworks. Another subject discussed is how to save money during baby's first year. We also answer last month's medical trivia question: "Which of the founding fathers of the United States was also regarded as the father of American psychiatry?" Topic -- Time Drowning Prevention -- 1:43 Obesity--A growing problem -- 5:15 Summer Safety Tips -- 10:23 Saving money during baby's first year -- 16:58 Medical Trivia -- 20:08
Links mentioned: American Heart Association CPR classes AHA's Healthier Kids: September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 6 |
Wed, 28 July 2010
![]() In this episode, we discuss teen driving and safe driving practices. We tackle having safe fun in the summer from sun exposure to bicycle safety, and we have a guest nutritionist give us Nutrition tips for children. We also answer last month's medical trivia question: What is the smallest bone in the human body? Topic -- Time Teenage Driver Safety -- 1:57 Safe Fun in the Summer Sun -- 5:05 Nutrition for Your Children -- 11:25 Traveling with Infants and Toddlers by Air -- 20:25 Medical Trivia: What is the Smallest Bone in the Human Body? -- 22:35
Links mentioned in the show: National Safety Council on Teen Driving Safety Indiana Department of Agriculture Peak-Season Map: What's in Season Now? Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 5 |
Mon, 5 July 2010
![]() This month, we discuss healthcare reform and how it will affect children, the ongoing problem of teenage smoking and signs your child might be a smoker, ADHD, and fighting colds without medication. We also answer last month's trivia question: where does the word "Vaccination" come from?
Time -- Topic 2:15 -- Healthcare Reform 5:33 -- Teenage smoking 11:16 -- Fighting colds without medication 13:00 -- ADD and ADHD 16:43 -- Medical Trivia: Where does the word "vaccination" come from?
Links mentioned in the show: About Special Kids (ASK): Resource for parents of children with ADHD and other medical conditions.
1-800-QUIT-NOW: Tobacco quit line (free). Listen now: Kids Healthcast Episode 4 |
Wed, 2 June 2010
![]() This month, we discuss the new recommendations for carseat safety from the American Association of Pediatrics, the differences between formula and breastmilk, and how to get your kids off the couch. We also tackle the issue of vaccines, a topic many parents are concerned about. Remember, we welcome you to call into the show with your questions. Just click on the "call me" button to the right. You don't need any special equipment, our message center will call your cellphone or landline. Time -- Topic 1:43 -- Carseat Safety 5:25 -- Vaccines 13:24 -- Getting Kids Active 17:30 -- Infant Formulas vs Breastmilk 23:42 -- Medical Trivia: How much saliva does a human being produce in one day? 24:41 -- Credits
Here are the links mentioned in the show: Seatcheck (Nationwide) (866-SEATCHECK) Prevent Injury Website (Indiana Only) (800-KIDNCAR)
Here are some additional sources for information about vaccines: Listen Now: Kids Healthcast Episode 3 |
Sat, 1 May 2010
In this month's episode, we answer a listener's question about her baby's stooling habits and discuss constipation. We also cover getting your 18 month old to sleep and we answer the medical trivia question: "What medical condition is Julius Cesear believed to have suffered from?" In our Health News segment, we talk about abstinence only sex education courses developed in the North-Eastern US that worked better than other methods. Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in February of 2010. |
Wed, 24 March 2010
In our first episode, we talk about what's normal for a baby's first year, what's abnormal, and what you can do if your baby falls behind his or her peers. We also cover Potty Training with some great tips from Dr. Jacob; and we answer the medical trivia question: "Who discovered the circulation of blood?" Topic Times!
This episode was recorded in January of 2010. |
Wed, 24 March 2010
Kids Healthcast covers health topics parents, teachers, caregivers, and anyone else who works with children might be interested in a monthly 20 to 30 minute podcast, available in mp3-format. It is recorded by pediatricians at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Each month includes Health News, Medical Trivia, Parenting tips, and two key segments on children's health. Possibilities for the children's health segments could range from constipation to normal newborn development. We welcome you to email us at, where we will try our best to get back to you or even answer your comments in the next podcast. We hope you enjoy the show!
-- posted at: 5:52pm EST
Wed, 24 March 2010
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